Enhancing Student Wellbeing at Notre Dame

Partner Background

The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being strategically assesses the environment and creates structures for wellness enhancement and risk reduction for Notre Dame students. Using evidence-based practices and collaborating with a range of campus partners, “McWell”  works closely with the Division of Student Affairs to provide initiatives, services, and resources that support the eight dimensions of student well-being.


Definition of Opportunity

Given the stresses and challenges to mental health that exist for college students and the impacts of the pandemic, it is evident that students can benefit from wellness resources more than ever. The University offers a variety of resources to students, but they are spread across different schools, offices, and initiatives.  In the spring 2022, a team of students mapped resources (programs, initiatives, classes, support groups, etc) on campus that help promote wellness and student flourishing.   In the fall 2022, a student team explored strategies and approaches that Keough School of Global Affairs (and other) faculty used in the classroom to promote student flourishing. The team held a workshop with faculty to exchange ideas and share best practices. 

Definition of Success

A successful project would, in consultation with the two ND liaisons, build on work of past DAT projects in ways that help promote student flourishing at Notre Dame.  This might be developing a guide for faculty on best practices, additional workshops and/or modalities for faculty to engage on these issues. 

Meet the Team

Spring 2023 ND Wellness DAT Presentation by Joseph Drey on Scribd
